Looking After Yourself
By Joanna, age 20, South Wales, United Kingdom
Recently I was admitted to the hospital with diabetic ketoacidosis. Most of you probably don't know what that is, but it's basically when your body starts to burn fat instead of sugar for energy because you don't have enough insulin.Because I'm diabetic, I don't produce insulin like most people, so I have to inject the right amount to keep myself healthy, which is something that is hard to do because it's a lot of trial and error working out what the right amount of insulin is, depending on what you're eating and what you're doing that day.
The main reason I wanted to write this article is to remind Sweet Designs readers that you have to look after yourself and keep yourself healthy, because even though you think these bad things that happen to people that you hear about won't happen to you, they can. I used to think I wouldn't get ill in this way because I did take my injections, but when I was rushed to the hospital I was told that if I'd come in any later it might have been too late. This was a huge wake up call, and even for readers who don't have extra medical problems like I do, I just want to remind everyone that your life is the most precious thing you have.
I had a lot of time to think in the hospital, and it's times when things go wrong like this that you realise a lot. I only told a few select people I was in the hospital - my parents (obviously) and a few friends who came to see me, and I'm grateful to every single one of them for coming in to see me knowing that I might be asleep and they might just have to sit there quietly with me. That takes true caring about someone. I think I also realised that you can't save anyone from themselves, and if someone doesn't want to be helped then you can't help them no matter how hard you try.
Make the most of every day and everyone you value because they might not always be there. Make memories you'll smile at when you look back, instead of crying. And most importantly, do what you want to do and be who you want to be, not what other people want you to do and be.