Reader Feedback
By Stephanie Lynn, age 24, Massachusetts
February 2009
On the Cover - Meet Tess
Maria, age 44 writes:
Tess is the most loveable, optimistic, and intelligent teen I have ever met and/or read about. I wish you the best of luck in your career, and subsequently, in life!
On the Cover - Meet Tess
Paige, age 16 writes:
I love Tess! :D
Pretty Little Liars, by Sara Shepard
Kat, age 13 writes:
I think this has inspired me to go out and read the books. I am desperate to read them! I know you said 14 and up, but trust me, I have read far more influencing books, and it has changed my views, but not as in I would start drinking or smoking. I can't wait to read it! Good review!
The Life of a Vegetarian
Sarah, age 14 writes:
Just wondering, why do you still eat poultry? They feel just as much pain as any other animal being slaughtered. They are kept just as cruely as any other livestock. I am a vegetarian myself, but I never really understood why people decide not to eat pigs/cows/sheep/fish, but still decide to eat chickens and turkey.
Share the Love: Crafty Valentine's Day Gifts
Christina, age 23 writes:
My goodness, it looks fantastic! I love how you feature so much young talent on your website! I have put a permanant link on my blog to your wonderful magazine! Again, thanks so very much! =D
Surprise Valentine
Melissa, age 19 writes:
Hi, I live in Arizona too, and if you could PLEASE, pretty please, find out where a river or place like this is located, PLEASE let me know. I really want to take my boyfriend to a place like that for VDay. I just moved here and don't know where to find a nice place like this. Please? :) I'll promote your mag so much if you can. Thank you!!!
The Kittens: 9 Months Later
Cindy writes:
I'm so glad they have a good home, and I love your site!!