Sweet Designs Featured Writer
Sweet Advice Featured Columnist
Age 20, California
Joined the SDM Team: April 2007
Why I Write for SDM: I originally started writing for Sweet Designs because I had been doing similar activities as SD Magazine, so I felt why not join a team and be able to do something I enjoy? But as time has gone on I have continued to help, especially on the advice team, because I have gone through many of the situations that are written in about or gone through something similar, so why not try and help those who are confused get through the same thing I already have? I may not have done it correctly the first time, but after 19 years I have learned from many mistakes, and maybe I can help someone else not make the same mistakes that I made.
Activities, Sports, Interests: College sailing team, lifeguarding, teaching outdoor activities, hanging out with friends, trying new things, and living life to the fullest
Favorite Author: Kate Brian
Favorite School Subject: Every class can be enjoyable as long as you have a good teacher/ professor and you engage yourself in the lessons and teachings.
Favorite Movies & TV Shows: I am hooked on Gossip Girl. I read many of the books and couldn't skip out on the show.
I listen to: Just about anything except rap, but primarily rock.
Most Important Values: God
I enjoy: Being outdoors and with my friends.
Future Plans: Currently I am unsure of what I want to do. I am looking into majoring into psychology, but a lot can change in 4 years. One thing I do know is I want to get married and all that loveliness.
Lauren's Articles
Sweet Advice Column
10-08 On the Cover
10-08 Don't Buy Your Halloween Costume - Make It!
8-08 Soccer with a Splash
8-08 The Private Series
8-08 Get Involved! Finding the Right Fit for You
8-08 Don't Just Be Another Number
5-08 Swimwear 2008!!
4-08 My Picture Perfect Prom
2-08 Cute Creative Valentine's Day Ideas
12-07 Healthy Holiday Recipes
9-07 Back-to-School Advice from the Class of '07
6-07 On the Cover
What I'm All About:
I'm Lauren ...
a girl with ambitions and dreams
a girl of excitement and confusion
a girl who has finally broken free
a girl who stands up for what she believes
a girl who is spontaneous and random
a girl filled with laughter and smiles
a girl hoping for the best and making the best of life
a girl looking to be herself
A Girl Finally Being Who She Wants To Be
Take each day as it comes. Make each moment precious and make life what you want it to be. Never let someone else tell you how to live it. Never let someone tell you who you are. Instead be only yourself.
Favorite Quotes: I have a bunch, but here are a few:
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain. But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light to find your way.
Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.
I've got the same old heart with a brand new beat.