Maria (Mia C.)
Sweet Advice Featured Columnist
Age 17, North Carolina
Joined the SDM Team: July 2007
Why I Write for SDM: I write because I know that maybe I can help someone. Either with my own experiences or by just thinking about what I believe the right thing to do would be. I believe this magazine helps tons of girls every month and I am happy to be a part of it.
Activities, Sports, Interests: My favorite sport is football, and now I really don't have time for activities except my writing and reading. But I enjoy playing video games with my siblings when I get a chance. I love watching my little brother's football games.
Favorite Authors: I love to read V.C. Andrews books. I completely lose myself in her writing. On occasion I'll sneak into a Stephan King.
Favorite School Subject: I love English - it has to be my all time favorite. Of college studies, I'm looking forward to psychology the most..
Favorite Movies & TV Shows: As dorky as it probably sounds, I LOVE Disney movies. Up, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Chicken Little, Meet the Robinsons, Narnia, and many others. I like The Fast and the Furious movies, Yes Man, 50 First Dates, 17 Again ... really anything that gives me a good laugh. As far as TV goes, I'll watch the Cowboys football games, Law and Order, CSI, Nip/Tuck, and others.
I listen to: Mostly anything! Nickelback, Rob Thomas, Matchbox Twenty, The Zac Brown Band, Lifehouse, Blue October, Cold, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, CCR and many, many more.
Most Important Values: Honesty, optimism, and love.
I enjoy: Spending time with my family, writing, singing when no one's listening, and reading. Sitting perfectly still and feeling the gentle kicks of my growing daughter. Looking at old pictures, scrapbooking with my boyfriend, watching movies, and making people laugh.
Mia's Advice
11-10 Advice: I Wanna Dance!
9-10 Mia Says: OMG, I'm Gorgeous, But...
7-10 Mia Says: Two Guys and I Want Them Both
7-10 Mia Says: Getting Close to Guys
5-10 Don't Blame, Take Responsibility
5-10 Can You and Your Ex Be "Best Friends"?
4-10 My Mother Died, My Father Doesn't Want Me
Sweet Advice Column
Mia's Articles
1-10 Abortion: Pros and Cons
11-09 My Beauty Pageant Experience
9-09 Married at 15
Future Plans: In September I'm enrolling into a Phlebotomy course at the community college, hopefully finishing it and finding a good job. But that is by no means my complete plans. Right now I'm between so many things. The one thing I want to do most is work with kids age 6-13. I love toddlers and infants, but I believe I'd be more help with "older" kids. I was thinking about becoming an English teacher, or maybe and child psychologist, but only time will tell.
Favorite Quotes: "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." - Oscar Wilde
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." - Martin Luther King, Jr.